Instruction for authors

Print ISSN 1226-9557|eISSN 2733-9653

Instructions for Authors

  • Please read our Journal Policy including Ethics and malpractice policy, Peer review policy, and Publishing policy before you submit your article to our journal.

  • IJECE welcomes a diverse range of manuscript formats, including empirical articles, systematic reviews, and theoretical contributions, exclusively in English.

Submission and publication timeline
Submission and publication timeline
No. 1 No. 2
Publication date June 30 Dec. 31
Manuscript submission Throughout the year

The journal publishes two issues bi-annually (first issue on June 30, second on December 31). Manuscripts can be submitted to the IJECE throughout the year. Manuscripts submitted up to one month (May 31/November 30) before the relevant publication date (June 30/December 31) are eligible for review their publication status will be determined by the Editorial review board depending on the submission status for the relevant edition and the number of manuscripts that can be published in it.

Preparing Manuscript
1. Manuscript Types

Empirical Articles: These form a significant portion of IJECE’s content, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research emphasizing substantial theoretical, practical, or interdisciplinary implications. They undergo rigorous review and may vary in length (not exceeding 30 manuscript pages, inclusive of text and figures but exclusive of references).

Reviews: Comprehensive syntheses of empirical, conceptual, and theoretical research, reviews critically evaluate past work and shed light on pressing topics and issues in early childhood education, shaping scholarly discourse.

    Theories:Theoretical contributions in IJECE offer innovative perspectives, propose novel conceptualizations, or synthesize existing knowledge to enrich understanding of critical aspects of early childhood education. The journal welcomes diverse viewpoints and critical reflections, addressing emerging issues and provoking scholarly dialogue.

2. Submission Process

    Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the IJECE’s online submission system. If it is your first time submitting a paper to our journal, you will need to register and create your own ID and password.

    Submissions should include the following files:

  • o Author Checklist: Please review our author checklist and respond.
  • o Manuscript File: Should include the title, abstract, main text, references, tables, and figures in one document in provided template
3. Manuscript Preparation

  • Language: Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English.

  • Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). There should be no identifiable author information in any part of the manuscript.

  • Length: Manuscripts are usually between 5000 and 9000 words, or 13-30 pages (whichever applicable). Manuscripts should not exceed 9000 words including references.

  • Text Formatting:

  • o Please use our manuscript template when you format your paper.
  • Abstract: A structured abstract of between 100 and 200 words are required at the beginning of the paper. The abstract should include brief background, methods, results, and conclusions.

  • Keywords: 3-5 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the article.

  • Style/References: The style guidelines of Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition are required. All references cited in the text must be listed in the reference section and vice versa.

  • Tables and Figures: Each table and figure must be placed at their intended places in the text, given a caption, and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals following APA 7th style. Authors are not required to provide reproducible originals of all figures and tables at the time of submission as a separate document. If the paper is accepted and is in the publication stage, we might ask for reproducible format of the figures and tables if needed. Colored illustrations should be avoided, and all figures and tables should be printed in black and white or gray scale.

  • Footnotes and References: Footnotes must be used sparingly and should be indicated by consecutive numbers in the text.

  • Acknowledgement: To ensure blindness of review process, you may not add Acknowledgement in the paper at the time of submission. Once the paper is accepted and is in the publication stage, you must provide Acknowledgement statement including any funding information if applicable.

  • Conflict of Interest Statement: To ensure blindness of review process, you may not add Conflict of Interest Statement in the paper at the time of submission. Once the paper is accepted and is in the publication stage, you must provide Conflict of Interest statement.

  • Running Head: The running head is not required

  • Template: To assist you in preparing your paper, we provide a formatting template. Authors can download our template that can be used with this guide to help you prepare your article for submission. There should be no identifiable author information in any part of the manuscript.

  • References: All sources cited in the text must be included in the reference list, and all references must be cited in the text. Please refer to our manuscript template for examples. Examples of APA references styles are provided in the template.

4. Originality Checks
  • We are using similarity checking program to prevent potential plagiarism. By submitting your paper to IJECE you are consenting to originality checks during the peer-review and publication processes.

5. Post-Acceptance

    Proofreading: Authors will receive proofs for final approval before publication.

    Corrections: Any corrections requested must be submitted within the specified timeframe.

    Publication: Articles will be published online.

6. Copyright and Permissions

IJECE is an open-access journal article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons License (CCL). All articles published in open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download, copy and distribute.

IJECE offer authors Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license allow users to: distribute and copy the article; create extracts, abstracts, and other revised version, adaptations or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation); include in a collective work (such as an anthology); and text or data mine the article. These uses are permitted only for non-commercial purposes, and provided the user: gives appropriate credit to the author(s) (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI); includes a link to the license; indicates if changes were made; and does not represent the author(s) as endorsing the adaptation of the article or modify the article in such a way as to damage the authors’ honor or reputation.

For additional information or questions regarding submission, please contact the editorial office at E-mail :

International Journal of Early Childhood Education
Korean Society for Early Childhood Education