Journal Policies

Print ISSN 1226-9557|eISSN 2733-9653

Peer Review Policy

• All submitted articles undergo a double-blind peer review process by at least two reviewers. The authors will remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout the peer review process. To ensure a blind review, any potentially identifying information, such as author names and affiliations, should be removed from the manuscript before submission. This will be checked during the initial desk screening. If the manuscript does not meet the minimum requirements outlined in the instructions for authors, it may be rejected prior to the peer review.

• Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the topic area and research methodology. Authors are welcome, but not required, to suggest suitable reviewers. If authors do provide suggestions, they should ensure that the suggested reviewers are completely independent and not connected to the work in any way. However, the journal may choose not to use the suggested reviewers.

• Each reviewer accesses the manuscripts via a secure website using a unique ID and password provided by the journal. Reviewers will return their evaluations by the assigned due date. Reviewers’ comments are sent to the author, who addresses the reviewers’ comments and submits the revision. The final decision will be sent by the editorial office.

• Complains and Appeals: The journal values transparency and fairness in its editorial process, and this policy provides a structured approach for addressing concerns raised by authors.

  • o Complaints and appeals against editorial decisions must be submitted in writing to the Editor-in-Chief within 30 days of the decision. The submission should clearly explain the reasons for requesting reconsideration of the decision.

  • o Upon receipt of the appeal, the Executive Editorial board (Editor-in Chief, Associate editors) will review the submission, which may involve consultation with the original reviewers or other editorial board members. The author may be asked to provide additional information if necessary.

  • o The Editor-in Chief will provide a written response to the appeal within a reasonable timeframe, typically within 60 days. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief is final.