Effects of Satisfaction in Spending Time with Family and Academic Stress on Grit among Korean Early Adolescents
Kim Sun Jung , Lee You-me
29(2) 1-18, 2023
A Qualitative Exploration of Children’s Social-Emotional Behaviors during Free Play
Sung-ae Kim
29(2) 19-44, 2023
The Implications of Integration of Early Childhood Education and Childcare through the Case of Nintei-kodomoen(Integrated ECEC Center)
Kim Kyung-chul , Kim Yunji , Jaehee Han
29(2) 45-72, 2023
The Relationship Between Parents’ Emotional Expressiveness, Parenting Efficacy, and Children’s Social-Emotional Development: Focusing on Gender Differences
Yujin Jang , Ruiqi Yin
29(2) 73-93, 2023
The Longitudinal Relationship between Mother’s Parenting Stress and Children’s Externalizing Problem Behavior: Analysis of Multivariate Latent Growth Model
Yeon Joo Kim
29(2) 95-108, 2023
Conscious Discipline as a Resilient System for Positive Early Childhood Classroom Management and Children’s Social and Emotional Competences
Seungyoun Lee
29(2) 109-125, 2023
Toward Decolonial Research and Practice: Implications for Early Childhood Education in South Korea
Kyunghwa Lee
29(2) 127-141, 2023
Changes in the Smartphone Usage and Influencing Factors in Young Children Before and After COVID-19
Taeyeon Kim , Jaewon Joung
29(2) 143-158, 2023
Playful Encounters with Material-Discursive Practices in a Korean Kindergarten: Touching and Re-Membering with Spacetimemattering
Sui-mei Chea , Jin-hee Lee
29(2) 159-183, 2023