A Study of Korean Pre-service Teachers’ Awareness, Exposure-Reducing Behaviors, and Educational Needs Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Jaehee Kwon , Eunsun Park
26(2) 1-16, 2020
Mediating Effect of Family Interaction in the Relationship between Mother’s Marital Satisfaction and Children’s Peer Interaction
Myunghwa Moon
26(2) 17-31, 2020
How Do Children Represent Experiences as Active Meaning Constructors? A Case Study on 5-Year-Old Children’s Draw and Write Journals
Minyeong Lim , Jungmin Lee , Kangyi Lee
26(2) 33-56, 2020
The Experience of Fatherhood Following a Premarital Pregnancy
Hyokook Bang , Gahye Min
26(2) 57-75, 2020
What is “Materiality” in Early Childhood Education? A Historical Approach to Embodied Learning
Suyun Choi
26(2) 77-99, 2020
Growing Creative Talent for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Focusing on Early Childhood Educational Site
Taeyeon Kim
26(2) 101-114, 2020
Multicultural Understanding and Attitudes of Immigrant Children and Classmates in Kindergarten
Jiyoung Lee
26(2) 115-133, 2020
Analysis of Concept Mapping of Early Childhood Teachers’ Perception on Happiness in Young Children
Seongjoo Lee , Youngsil Sung , Woosoo Choi
26(2) 135-159, 2020
Paradigm Shifts in Early Childhood Education and Teacher Education
Eunae Son
26(2) 161-183, 2020