Journal Issues

Print ISSN 1226-9557|eISSN 2733-9653

A Study of Korean Pre-service Teachers’ Awareness, Exposure-Reducing Behaviors, and Educational Needs Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Mediating Effect of Family Interaction in the Relationship between Mother’s Marital Satisfaction and Children’s Peer Interaction
How Do Children Represent Experiences as Active Meaning Constructors? A Case Study on 5-Year-Old Children’s Draw and Write Journals
The Experience of Fatherhood Following a Premarital Pregnancy
What is “Materiality” in Early Childhood Education? A Historical Approach to Embodied Learning
Growing Creative Talent for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Focusing on Early Childhood Educational Site
Multicultural Understanding and Attitudes of Immigrant Children and Classmates in Kindergarten
Analysis of Concept Mapping of Early Childhood Teachers’ Perception on Happiness in Young Children
Paradigm Shifts in Early Childhood Education and Teacher Education