Journal Issues

Print ISSN 1226-9557|eISSN 2733-9653

An Assessment of Teachers’ Reactions to Public Kindergarten Teacher Evaluation System of Performance-Based Bonus Pay in South Korea
The Application of Early Childhood Professional Teaching Standards in the U.S.: A Comparative Study of a Preschool and an Elementary School Teacher
Capturing the Complexity of Preschool Teachers’ Work: A Discussion of Temporal Dimensions
Creating a Culturally Responsive K-3 Science Curriculum: Teachers as Cultural Brokers
Text Comprehension in Early Childhood: Focusing on Parents’ Roles in Improving Young Children’s Text Comprehension
Moderating Effect of Mothers’ Parenting Styles on Pre-schoolers’ Effortful Control and Teacher-Child Relationships
The Effects of Team-Based Learning in a Children’s Literature Course on Pre-Service Early Childhood Teacher’s Self-Directed Learning and Teaching Efficacy
A Structural Relationship Between Children’s Personality and Its Variables