Parent-Child Interactions in Book Reading and Narrative Skill for Prekindergarteners: Exploring “During” vs. “After” Book Reading Interactions
Young Suk Grace Kim , Young Hee Park
21(1) 1-21, 2015
Smart Phone Game Overindulgence and Game Addiction Awareness in Five-Year-Old Children
Dae Wook Kim , Hyun Ji Kim
21(1) 23-37, 2015
Early Childhood Preservice Teachers` Beliefs about E-Portfolios in the United States
Hyunjin Kim
21(1) 39-56, 2015
Validating the Parenting Style and Dimension Questionnaire Using the Confirmatory Multitrait-Multimethod Approach
Jongmin Ra , Keun Kyu Kim
21(1) 57-73, 2015
The Structural Relationship of Factors Affecting Kindergartners’ School Adjustment
Sung Ae Chi , Seong Hyun Kim , Hyun Jin Kim
21(1) 75-93, 2015
Implementing Multicultural Education for Young Children in South Korea: Early Childhood Teachers` Needs
Soyoun Bae Suh , Heejeong Sophia Han , Soon Hwan Kim
21(1) 95-121, 2015
The Effect of Dramatic Play Activity on 3-Year-Old Children’s Pro-Social Behavior
Hyung Sook Cho , Su Young Yang , Young Joo Kim
21(1) 123-141, 2015
Effect of Directors’ Transactional/Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on Kindergartens’ Cultural Competences
Chung Hee Chung , Gye Wan Moon , Hyo Rim Lee
21(1) 143-162, 2015