Journal Issues

Print ISSN 1226-9557|eISSN 2733-9653

PREFACE ( International Journal of Early Childhood Education Volume 4 : 1999 )
EDITORIAL NOTE ( International Journal of Early Childhood Education Volume 4 : 1999 )
ARTICLES / Relations Among Maternal Cognitions , Management Behaviors , and Children's Peer Competence
ARTICLES / Case Studies of Interaction between Young Korean Children and Their Mothers during Story-Reading Times
ARTICLES / Promoting Literacy Development through School-Home Partnerships
ARTICLES / The Effect of Teacher Intervention in Mathematical Play on Children's Cooperation
ARTICLES / Adolescent Mothers' Perceptions of Birthtime Care : Potential Implications for Infant Development and Education
ARTICLES / Parental Perceptions on an Alternative Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs : An Activity-Based Approach
COUNTRY REPORTS / Norwegian Kindergartens in a Time of School Reforms and Transformations
COUNTRY REPORTS / Comparative Study on Early Childhood Education in Mongolia , Vietnam , and Korea : Policy Recommendations to Promote Early Childhood Education in Mongolia and Vietnam Focusing on the Implementation of Private Kindergarten
COUNTRY REPORTS / SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION / Encouraging Creativity in the Kindergarten