Journal Issues

Print ISSN 1226-9557|eISSN 2733-9653

Exploring Korean Immigrant Mothers’ Values and Support for Their Children’s Language and Literacy Development Presented in Book Selections
Trend Analysis of Research on the Reggio Emilia Approach in Early Childhood Education from 2000 to 2019
Re-Conceptualization of Social Construction of Learning Community in a Preschool Classroom
A Comparative Examination of Early Childhood Character Education Programs in South Korea and the United States: Negotiating Traditional and Western Values
The Effect of the Class Using 3D Printing on the Communication Skills, Problem-Solving Ability, and Creative Personality of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers
The Effects of Early Childhood Subitizing on Mathematical Patterns
Territorialization, Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization in Early Childhood Science Education for Pre-Service Teachers Through the Vegetable-Flower Gardening Project